Student Handbook
Christensen Overview
The staff at Christensen strive every day to make it a great place to learn. All students are welcomed as part of our community, and we work to make our school community a positive and safe place to learn. The staff at Christensen take seriously their responsibility to provide an equitable learning environment for all students regardless of race or identity. We continually examine our efforts to support students with a focus on reducing disparities in consequences particularly for students from BIPOC communities. If you would like more information on this ongoing focus, please contact us.
Each teacher uses progressive procedures focused to support a positive learning environment including classroom community building, positive recognition, clear explicitly taught expectations, restorative practices, and progressive discipline that support student success in the classroom. Teachers will provide parents with a copy of their specific plan and the steps involved, including procedures for teaching the expectations and recognizing student success. School staff use many different strategies to reinforce students’ positive choices. These may include in-classroom consequences, assignment to alternate seating in class for a break, or referral to the Assistant Principal. Ongoing or significant concerns will result in a Discipline Referral/Conduct Report with parent contact.
Bullying behaviors are taken seriously and we take a proactive approach by educating students about bullying with a focus on building positive relationships that are respectful of all students. We encourage students and parents to report incidents as quickly as possible and to follow-up if incidents reoccur.
If you have questions or concerns about behavior supports, please contact our Assistant Principal at 253-298-3300.
Behavior Support
All teachers have an established classroom management plan that focuses on clearly communicating expectations and effective routines to support a collaborative and cohesive classroom environment. Classroom Rules are set by each teacher to support a positive learning environment. Classroom consequences are progressive, starting first with reminders and redirection, followed by moving the student within the room or contacting the office for significant student support.
When dealing with misbehavior the teacher follows these guidelines: in each case the classroom teacher will determine the level of the misbehavior and appropriate response to support each individual student.
Level 1 Behavior: Teacher support with classroom intervention/consequence
- The support provided will be in class and done by the teacher.
Level 2 Behavior: Teacher support with classroom intervention/consequence.
- The teacher will contact parent via letter and or phone call and request confirmation that the parent has been notified.
Level 3 Behavior: Significant Defiance or Disruption that results in immediate referral to the office/Assistant Principal.
- Teacher will contact the Assistant Principal when a student is having repeated problems that may result in school consequences.
Our staff see’s misbehavior as an opportunity to learn, re-teaching will occur as needed throughout the year. Positive Reinforcement is key to our Behavior Support Policy. We recognize students in a variety of ways daily, weekly, and monthly. Cougar Paws are awarded at any time for positive behavior, all-school drawings and announcements are held weekly, recognition assemblies are held monthly with drawings and other school wide celebrations.
Discipline Reports
Student misbehavior is usually handled in the classroom and teachers will contact parents via phone, notes home, text, or email. When student misbehavior is repeated or significant a report will be recorded into our Skyward System as a discipline offense by the classroom teacher. A copy is sent home with the student and the teacher will call home to inform parents. Please review any incidents with your child and contact your child’s teacher to confirm you received the report and if you have any questions.
Severe Behavior Clause: If a student significantly disrupts the learning environment, refuses a reasonable request by a staff member, or is a danger to him/herself or others, the student may be kept out of the classroom and/or excluded from school. This may result in a parent re-entry conference before returning to school.
Dress at School
School Board Policy requires students to ‘observe modesty, appropriateness and neatness in clothing and personal appearance. Please be aware of what your child is wearing to school and help us avoid problems. Students are not appropriately dressed if their appearance causes a disruptive influence, which includes clothing or items that are lewd/vulgar, profane or that advertise firearms, alcohol, tobacco, gangs and/or drugs. Clothing should cover undergarments and or private areas. Head coverings such as hats and scarves may be worn outdoors and are up to teacher discretion in indoor areas. For safety reasons, shoes that have wheels in them, flip flops or high heeled shoes should not be worn at school. Exemptions for religious and cultural reasons will be accepted upon request.
Other Important Policies
*If/when you need to pick up your child before the end of the school day adult photo identification is required.
*Please contact the office by phone no later than 3:00 pm to arrange for unscheduled student pick up.
*Any changes in transportation for your child (ren), must come in written form from a parent/guardian before 3:00 PM.
*Parents should contact their child’s teacher at least one day in advance if you would like to bring treats for the class.
*ALL Absences should be reported to the or main office at 253-298-3300 or by email at
*Cell phones and other electronic devices must be off and put away during the school day
Please refer to Franklin Pierce Schools Discipline Policy and Procedures documents 3240 and 3240P as well as 3241 and 3241P for specific information regarding classroom, school, and district discipline policy information.